Chapter II - Formation of the Kingdom of Portugal
Following the Arab invasion, in Iberian territory, Christian kingdoms are formed in the north of the peninsula, in order to expel the invaders. For this reason they ask for help to the crusaders who take sides in the War of the Christian Reconquest. D.Afonso VI, King of Castile and Leon, thanked the 2 crusaders who fought heroically against the Moors. Don Raimundo offered the hand of his legitimate daughter in marriage, D. Urraca, and D. Henrique de Burgonha, a French nobleman, Hand in marriage to his illegitimate daughter D. Teresa and the governance of the Condado Portucalense, being dependent on the Kingdom of Castile and Leon with the duty to render vassalage Picture 1- D. Afonso VI king of Castile and Leon , grandfather of D. Afonso Henriques Picture 2- Parents of D. Afonso Henriques : D. Henrique and D. Teresa The Portucalense County appears throughout the process of Christian Reconquest, its name originates in Portugal, its location encompassed the ...