Chapter I- Before the birth of Portugal

Before Portugal was an Independent Country and a true Sovereign State, there was only the Iberian Peninsula, which was inhabited by several peoples.

The Iberians were the first peoples to inhabit the peninsula, in which derives the name Iberian Peninsula. This people was dedicated to mining and agricultural exploration.

The Celts arrive in the peninsula around 1000 BC. They came from Central Europe, namely southern Germany, known for the valuable jewelery they manufactured and lived in round houses, surrounded by forested walls, known as Castros.

Picture 1 - a Celtic bracelet

Picture 2- Castros ( Dwelling of the Celts )

Celtiberos results from the union of two peoples Celts and Iberians. This people had several tribes. The Portuguese descended from the Lusitanian tribe, who settled in the western zone of the peninsula, were known to be a warrior tribe, since women also fought side by side with men. More ahead I will speak in this tribe in the context of the invasion of the Romans.

Phoenicians, Greeks and Carthaginians are navigating peoples and merchants have come to the Iberian peninsula attracted by natural riches like silver, copper, tin, lead, and gold. The Greeks left as an inheritance on the peninsula the use of money; The Phenicia the alphabet, the iron, the wheel of the potter, wine and oil; The Carthaginians taught the conservation of food through salt.

Romans arrived in the third century BC, however the conquest of this territory was not an easy task, since the Lusitanian tribe had as chief and warrior Viriato that in 147 BC, heroically resisted the Roman invasions, having been killed by treason by General Romano Servilius Scipio, who resorts to the bribes of Viriato's comrades, to murder him while sleeping.

Image 3- Statue of the warrior Lusitano Viriato, in the district of Viseu

Later the Roman Sertório, becomes leader of the Lusitanian army, until having the same destiny of Viriato, being also this one to the treason by the military of his confidence. With this defeat of the Lusitanos, the Romans finally occupied the Iberian Peninsula and call it Hispania. They built a vast network of roads linking major cities, build bridges and monuments. They leave us their numbering system. They dominate the peninsula for 400 years.

Picture 4- Map of the Roman Empire

Later the Roman Sertório, becomes leader of the Lusitanian army, until having the same destiny of Viriato, being also this one to the treason by the military of his confidence. With this defeat of the Lusitanos, the Romans finally occupied the Iberian Peninsula and call it Hispania. They built a vast network of roads linking major cities, build bridges and monuments. They leave us their numbering system. They dominate the peninsula for 400 years.
Later the Roman Sertório, becomes leader of the Lusitanian army, until having the same destiny of Viriato, being also this one to the treason by the military of his confidence. With this defeat of the Lusitanos, the Romans finally occupied the Iberian Peninsula and call it Hispania. They built a vast network of roads linking major cities, build bridges and monuments. They leave us their numbering system. They dominate the peninsula for 400 years.
Picture 5- Ruins of Conímbriga , Portugal

Picture 6- Temple of Diana in Evora, Portugal

Picture 7- Roman Bridge , near Sintra, Portugal 

·         Barbarians In the beginning of the fifth century the Suevos and the Visigoths invaded the Iberian Peninsula and were not civilized. They became known as "Barbarians", a name given by the Greeks and Romans to designate a foreigner whose language was incomprehensible and different customs. Due to the crisis experienced by the Romans, an economic crisis and military restructuring, the invasion of the Barbarians further weakens the Romans, are factors for the end Roman empire in the West in 476 a.c

Image 8 - Map of the Barbarian Invasion throughout Europe, namely in the Iberian Peninsula

·         Muslims were the last invaders from North Africa, defeating the last King Visigoth-Rodrigo in Hispania. After the Muslim victory the Visigothic Kingdom ends. Throughout the centuries they were widening their conquests in the peninsula. After this Muslim invasion they form in the North of the Iberian Peninsula diverse Christian Kingdoms, to escape of the Muslim influence that they have like intention to defend its territory. The kingdoms are: Catalonia, Aragon, Castile, Leon, Navarra and later the Kingdom of Portugal. At the beginning of Century VII begins the Christian Regain on the part of these Kingdoms that claim to reconquer the territories lost to the invaders. These Kingdoms resort to the help of the Crusades (who fought in the Holy War) Christians who fight against the Islamists.
The Moors remain in the peninsula for about 800 years They add new words to the Portuguese language: the Algarve, cushion, lettuce. They introduce new plants (rice, orange trees) and new irrigation techniques.

Image 9- Castelo do Mouro, Sintra, Portugal- the fortifications of this castle is of Muslim origin

Image 10- Map of the Formation of Christian Realms Fleeing the Arab Invasion


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