The Pretender to the Portuguese Throne
Picture 1-D. Duarte Pio de Bragança
D. Duarte Pio de Bragança, is currently the claimant to the Portuguese throne, in 2006 an opinion of the Department of Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recognized D. Duarte Pio de Bragança as sole and legitimate heir to the Portuguese throne, since D Duarte descended by paternal way of D. Miguel I (absolutist king) and through the maternal route of D. Pedro IV (the soldier king)
Picture 2- D. Miguel
Picture 3- D. Pedro IV
D. Miguel I was defender of Absolutism (concentration of powers in the figure of the king) and D. Pedro IV was defender of Liberal ideals (separation of powers and decentralization of powers of the king) this opposition of ideals led the country to face a civil war , since D. Miguel I was acclaimed king of Portugal and this act resulted in the usurpation of the throne that belonged to his niece and future wife D. Maria II, D. Miguel thus disrespects the will of his brother, D. Pedro IV, as well as the oath that he gave to the constitutional charter
D. Miguel I went to exile after his defeat in the Civil War, against the forces of his brother D. Pedro IV.
Picture 4- Photo of the royal family Portuguesa-D. Duarte Pio de Bragança with his wife and children
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