Chapter II - Formation of the Kingdom of Portugal

Following the Arab invasion, in Iberian territory, Christian kingdoms are formed in the north of the peninsula, in order to expel the invaders.
For this reason they ask for help to the crusaders who take sides in the War of the Christian Reconquest.

D.Afonso VI, King of Castile and Leon, thanked the 2 crusaders who fought heroically against the Moors. Don Raimundo offered the hand of his legitimate daughter in marriage, D. Urraca, and D. Henrique de Burgonha, a French nobleman, Hand in marriage to his illegitimate daughter D. Teresa and the governance of the Condado Portucalense, being dependent on the Kingdom of Castile and Leon with the duty to render vassalage

Picture 1- D. Afonso VI king of Castile and Leon , grandfather of D. Afonso Henriques

Picture 2- Parents of D. Afonso Henriques : D. Henrique and D. Teresa

The Portucalense County appears throughout the process of Christian Reconquest, its name originates in Portugal, its location encompassed the Districts of Braga, Porto, Viseu and Coimbra with Porto as its capital. D. Henrique fixed as a house the castle of Guimarães

Picture 3- Map of the Cristian Reconquest , formation of the Christian Kingdoms and the Portucalense County ( in green)

Picture 4- Castle of Guimarães

From the marriage of D. Henrique and D. Teresa was born D. Afonso Henriques, in Viseu or Guimarães in the year 1109. D. Afonso Henriques is the first king of Portugal

Picture 5- D. Afonso Henriques , the first king of Portugal

The purpose of D Henrique  in relation to Condado Portucalense was to make him independent of Castile and Leon, and in fact ruled the county in order to achieve full autonomy and left a much freer land.
Nevertheless dies without being able to reach all its objectives namely the Independence of the territory dying in 1112, in Astorga and jaz in the Cathedral of Braga

Picture 6- Braga Cathedral are buried D. Henrique and D. Teresa, parents of D. Afonso Henriques 

With the death of D. Henrique, D. Teresa began to govern the county and defended that the territory must have its autonomy clear and firm, but not an independence that leads to the rupture of the county in the peninsular system, but a self Government, in the However D. Afonso Henriques does not agree with his mother and in fact intends independence following the ideas of his father and continuing his policy
D. Afonso Henriques was knighted in Zamora in 1125, with the support of the archbishop of Braga, an act practiced only by the kings, so it is a political act
Fight against the army of his mother led by his lover Fernão Peres, in the Battle of São Mamede, next to the castle of Guimarães in 1128, where it left victorious and takes over the government of the County. After the battle the legend says that, D.Afonso Henriques closed the mother in the Castle of Lanhoso, historical facts defend that it was not the son that enclosed D. Teresa, but it was his half-sister D. Urraca

Picture 5- Castel og Lanhoso where D. Teresa as closed

In 1139, the people proclaimed King D. Afonso Henriques, and in the same year the Battle of Ourique Field in the Alentejo involving Christian troops commanded by D. Afonso Henriques against the Arab army commanded by 5 Moorish Kings, despite the numerical inferiority Of the Christian army, D. Afonso Henriques was the winner. Legend has it that D. Afonso Henriques had a vision of Jesus Christ crucified surrounded by angels assuring him the victory against the Moors and Christ gives him the 5 wounds recognizing in this gesture Portugal as Independente with D. Afonso Henriques as the first king of Portugal.
Currently the 5 wounds are represented in the national flag in the 5 cents, as well as can represent the 5 Moorish kings who were defeated

Picture 6- Apparation of Christ to D. Afonso Henriques 

The Conference of Zamora on October 5, 1143 is a treaty between D. Afonso Henriques and his cousin D. Afonso VII, document recognizing the independent Portucalense County in relation to the Kingdom of Castile and Leon, considered the date of independence of Portugal
In 1145/1146 D. Afonso Henriques  married Mafalda de Sabóia, he had 36 / 37 years

Picture 7- Mafalda  Saboia- wife of D. Afonso Henriques

The Badajoz disaster in 1169
D. Afonso Henriques was determined to take Badajoz, although he had no right over this city because of a long-standing agreement between Fernando Magno's sons, in which Badajoz was beyond the virtual frontier of the Lusitanian kingdom.
 D. Henrique and D. Teresa agree with D. Urraca that their domains would be in a vertical line, yet D. Afonso Henriques intended to rebuild the Roman Lusitania by further advancing to the East.
D. Fernando II of Leon married to D. Urraca is informed that his father-in-law D. Afonso Henriques advances over Badajoz, goes to meet him to prevent him and the Portuguese king sees against two enemies: the Moors and the Castilians in tight siege.
D. Afonso Henriques  fall and he broke his  leg and is taken prisoner, exchanging his freedom for Tuy and Zamora.

Only with the Manifestum Probatum, the bull that on May 23, 1179, Pope Alexander III recognizes D. Afonso Henriques as King of Portugal and establishes the independence of the Portucalense Kingdom under the protection of Rome.
The reign of D. Afonso Henriques, thus begins the 1st Portuguese Dynasty to the Afonsina or Burgundy Dynasty

Characteristics of the king D. Afonso Henriques: of gigantic stature, had brown hair and very long, light brown eyes
He died at the age of 74 in Coimbra on December 6, 1185 and is buried in the Monastery of Santa Cruz in Coimbra, known as the "Conquer".

Picture 8- Monastery of Santa Cruz , Coimbra where D. Afonso Henriques is buried

Picture 9- Tomb of D. Afonso Henriques in the Monastery of Santa Cruz

The conclusion of the formation of the Kingdom of Portugal takes place in the reign of D. Afonso III, 5th Portuguese King in 1249 are conquered the last Muslim cities in Portuguese territory, concluding the Reconquista with the conquest of the Algarve.

Picture 10- Map of the Conclusion of the formation of the Kingdom of Portugal in the reign of D. Afonso III en 1249

Picture 11- D. Afonso III

Picture 12 - Map of Portugal at the moment

Picture 13- Flag of Portugal at the moment


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