First Republic (From 1910 to 1926)

The First Republic began with the approval of the Constitution of 1911 and with the election of the First President of the Republic - Manuel de Arriaga

Picture 1- Republic

Throughout the First Republic, there were periods of great instability, due to the struggles between the Government and the Catholic Church (since the Republic was Anticlerical, its policy led many convents to close and also enshrined the prohibition of religious education in schools), but there have also been internal disagreements among Republicans, Freemasons, and Carbonaries (these last two are secret organizations), I would remind you that the members of the Republican Government are not those who planned or did the republican revolution of Implantation of the Republic. led to great instability in this new political regime in Portugal.

Causes Which lead to the Failure of the First Republic over 16 years
• political instability
• external dependence - Portugal did not produce enough to import goods and products
• instability and social discontent,
• the disorganized public accounts, which gives rise to a very unstable economic situation in the country.

Participation of Portugal in World War I
The first World War, which began in 1914 and ended in 1918, was attended by Portugal, whose purpose was to defend Portuguese ownership of colonies
As a consequence of our participation in World War I, the Portuguese escudo ( money) devalued, increased external dependence (from Portugal in relation to other countries), increased public debt and the cost of living.
During the War many families lived with very little, without food to prepare their meals, living in a high degree of poverty and the wages did not follow the rise of prices

The end of the First Republic happened on May 28, 1926

The military revolt of May 28, 1926 were antidemocratic / anti-parliamentary, organized a military movement, resulting in a coup d'etat, establishing a regime of military dictatorship, entering the country in a political period called New State,
The First Republic as we have seen in this chapter over 16 years lived in deep instability, having met 8 presidents, 45 governments and 40 heads of government. The last President of the Republic in the First Republic was Bernardino Luís Machado de Guimarães


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