Chapter XV- Portugal in the World of Maritime Discoveries


The Portuguese navigators António da Mota and António Peixoto and Francisco Zeimoto will have arrived for the first time in Japan

Picture 1- Map of Japan

Picture 2- Arrival of the Portuguese to Japan

It is known that the first Portuguese to contact Japan will have been merchants and adventurers who were exploring Portuguese India and China, one of these men could indeed have been Francisco Zeimoto.
Francisco and his colleagues António da Mota and António Peixoto will have finally arrived in Japan on September 23, 1543, and this contact was reported by the chronicler Fernão Mendes Pinto and according to this the island of Tanegashima was the first place visited by the Portuguese that frightened Its inhabitants with their reports, customs and clear with the novelty of the art of arms.

Picture 3- Map of  Tanegashima Island

Picture 4- Island of Tanegashima

Francisco Zeimoto offered the governor of the island his weapon and demonstrated to him how the manufacture of gunpowder occurs, also tells us the chronicler that much these navigators thanked the hospitality of the Japanese who warmly received them.
After five months, the Japanese in that place had already made 600 weapons.

The arrival in Japan was much celebrated, mainly because we introduced in this town the novelty of the firearms


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