Chapter XVIII- Restoration of the Independence of Portugal in 1640

The reign of the Spaniards on Portuguese soil for 60 years resulted in an excessive increase of taxes and the lack of protection in relation to the Portuguese colonies that were constantly attacked by the Dutch

Meanwhile, during the reign of Philip III of Portugal, a nationalist and patriotic group "The Conjurates" was formed. It consisted of 50 members, whose main objective was to remove the Spanish government from power and restore Independence de Portugal, Was D. João IV duque de Bragança, descendant of direct line with the Portuguese royal family.
The Conjurates, usually met in the Almada Palace, now known as the Independence Palace.

Picture 1- Independence Palace

Picture 2- D. João IV

On December 1, 1640, they invaded the Royal Palace in the Paço da Ribeira, Terreiro do Paço, neutralized the German guard of the vice-queen and arrested the Duchess of Mantua, Queen Margherita of Saboia, and shot the secretary Of state of the vice-queen, Miguel de Vasconcelos falling its dead body, by the window of the Royal palace

Picture 3- Vice - queen- Margherita of Saboia

Picture 4- Paço da Ribeira, Terreiro do Paço, where the Restoration of the Independence of Portugal took place

Philip III and IV of Spain, only knows of the happened 7 days after the restoration of independence

The 15 of December of 1640 was crowned and acclaimed like king D. João IV, ending the Philippine dynasty and initiating the dynasty of Bragança

Picture 5- Acclamation of King João IV as King of Portugal on December 15, 1640


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