The Story of Catherine Euphemia
Picture 1- Catarina Eufémia
Born in Baleizão, Beja on February 13, 1928.
It was on May 19, 1954 (in the midst of the Salazar dictatorship) at the time of wheat harvest that Catarina and thirteen other reapers complained to the factor of the property where they worked to obtain an increase of two escudos per day. The fourteen women were enough to terrify the foreman who went to Beja to call the owner and the guard.
Catarina was chosen by her colleagues to present her claims. To a question from the lieutenant of the guard, Catherine would have replied that they only wanted "work and bread." In response he had a slap that sent her to the floor. When she got up, he said, "Now kill me." The guard lieutenant fired three bullets. Catherine when she was hit by the Guard of the GNR, had in her lap her son who was also injured
Hit by 3 bullets Catarina Eufémia, thus dies mother of 2 children, pregnant of the third, died in the prime of the age at the age of 28 and leaving orphans of their children.
Fearing the reaction of the population, the authorities decided to carry out the funeral in secret, anticipating it an hour earlier than they had recorded. As they prepared to begin their escape on the sly, the people rushed to the coffin with shouts of protest, and the police force violently repressed the populace, beating not only the relatives of the deceased, other rural people of Baleizão, as simple people of Beja who wanted to join the funeral.
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