Revolution of April 25, 1974

Revolution of April 25, 1974

Picture 1- Revolution of April 25, 1974

The Estado Novo was then overthrown on April 25, 1974.
It consisted of a coup that ended the dictatorial regime and was carried out by the military of the Armed Forces Movement - MFA, this movement was composed mostly by captains who had participated in the Colonial War. The military coup was attended by the population, tired of repression, censorship, colonial war and economic slowdown.
The Revolution of April 25, 1974, was known as the Carnation Revolution.

On this day, several military units commanded by officers of the Armed Forces Movement marched on Lisbon, occupying a number of strategic points. The military garrisons that supposedly were supporters of the regime surrendered and joined the military of the Movement of the Armed Forces
With limited military power and massive membership of the movement, the resistance of the regime was practically nonexistent, with only four civilians killed, the victims of political police firing, PIDE. However this Revolution was considered "not bloody" and "peaceful"
The regime fell without having almost anyone to defend it.

After the 25th of April a process of democratization of the country began, which was initially quite troubled


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